Brand Alchemy executes custom branding campaigns with guarantees of social media growth, press, TV & podcast placements.



When was the last time you Googled yourself?

Did you like the results?

At Brand Alchemy, we're tired of seeing experienced entrepreneurs, executives, and industry experts struggle with personal brands that don't reflect their expertise, often appearing outdated and incomplete.

Think unresponsive websites, unfavorable Google search results, and visuals that seem straight out of Windows 95.

If you're hustling, giving speeches, and publishing content, but your online presence doesn't reflect that, you're wasting your time.

Let's fix that.

What's the Cost of Not HAVING A Personal Brand?

If your personal brand doesn't represent your skills, you're losing clients, deals, opportunities, and respect.

Is that how you want to be seen?

When you see less-skilled individuals getting the deals and recognition, it's not because they're more talented—it’s because they know how to sell themselves.

If you're tired of sitting on the sidelines, it's time to take control of your brand.

Time for the Big Leagues

We create personal brands that sound like you and honor your unique style.

From brand strategy and custom websites to social media overhauls and content creation, we've got you covered.

We focus on building authentic, consistent brands that transform you into a magnet for opportunities.

We know you're busy leading and innovating.

The last thing you need is a personal brand that doesn’t align with your image.

That's why we make sure your brand is cohesive, professional, and reflective of your unique value.

You'll have a personal brand that says, "I'm here, and I'm the best."

Stop Wasting Time

Your personal brand should work for you, not against you.

If you're creating content and putting yourself out there now, but your brand doesn't reflect your distinctive value, authority, and style, you might be doing more harm to your reputation than good.

If you don't act now, you'll continue missing out on the opportunities and recognition you deserve.

Let's build something that gets you noticed.

This is your chance to leave a mark and earn the opportunities you've been working towards.

Why Your Brand Matters


of people trust the recommendations of individuals over companies.


of founders who use social media to sell outperformed those who don’t.


content shared by founders is re-shared 24 times more compared to those shared by their companies.


of investors at VC firms are more likely to invest in founders with an established social presence.


Have you ever stopped to think about the power behind a powerful personal brand?

At Brand Alchemy, we’ve perfected a 4-phase system with one goal in mind: transform ambitious individuals into powerful personal brands — and turn those brands into serious cash flow.


Phase 1: Clarity

First, we dive deep into your vision and goals, using our Deep Clarity Coaching and Brand Identity Matrix™️ to reveal the authentic you, ensuring your brand’s foundation is rock-solid both online and off.

Phase 2: Strategy

Next, we develop a bespoke strategy that crafts your narrative and shapes your visual identity, piecing together everything from conversion-focused narratives to comprehensive visual expressions that resonate with your audience.

Phase 3: Execution

Then, we bring your strategy to life, enhancing your digital presence across all platforms—from a revamped website to optimized social profiles—ensuring every touchpoint makes a powerful impact.

Phase 4: Scale

Finally, now that your personal brand foundation is built, we amplify your presence with strategic content across social media, securing media appearances, and enhancing your visibility through PR efforts.

Depending on your unique goals, we also launch initiatives like podcasts and newsletters to scale your revenue and establish you as a leading voice in your industry.

The Brand Alchemy Roadmap™


Explore our personal branding solutions below...


In-depth, personalized brand analysis that pinpoints your current market positioning and visibility.

We provide a comprehensive review of your online presence, from social media to your Google footprint, and beyond...

Discover how to transform your brand’s weaknesses into strengths.


Full-track, done-for-you personal branding services that take you from market participant to market leader.

For busy professionals who want to generate revenue and opportunities from their personal brand but don't have the time or expertise to do it themselves.

From brand strategy to brand identity, websites, and socials. Go from Zero to Hero in 6 weeks or less with minimal time input.


Once established, we help you scale, monetize, and leverage your personal brand.

We provide regular consulting, content creation, and strategic media and PR placement, ensuring your personal brand stays relevant and continues to generate revenue and opportunities.

How to Get Started?

Book a free strategy call and we'll do a Deep Dive audit of your brand live on the call, highlighting red flags, quick wins, and biggest leverage points for growth.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Jeremy Albelda

TV Personality and Serial Entrepreneur

"Working with Brand Alchemy blew up my social game, helped me land a new business partner, and land a spot on national TV. 10 out of 10 recommend."

Jonah Larkin

Fortune 100 Leadership Coach

Stanford Grad. School of Business

"Consulting with the world's leading CEOs leaves little time for branding minutiae. Brand Alchemy provided the perfect, hassle-free solution."

Josh Cheetham

Corporate Trainer, Executive Coach

"The work I did with Brand Alchemy directly resulted in me securing a 7-figure investment for my company."

Meet the Team

We started Brand Alchemy because we were sick of seeing brilliant movers and shakers get eclipsed by teenage Tiktok Influencers and armchair experts on the internet. 

We've found that the brightest minds don’t have the time to focus on developing their own brands because they are literally out changing the world.

Our mission is to give the megaphone back to the ones that deserve to be heard and can actually make an impact. We do that by building authentic, revenue-generating personal brands and content strategies that give our clients the platforms and opportunities they deserve. 

Rob Brautigam, a former systems engineer, has spent nearly a decade cracking the code behind what makes personal brands successful.

He's worked and consulted with over 2,000 online entrepreneurs, simplifying complex concepts into clear, actionable strategies that get results.

He's passionate about helping entrepreneurs cut through the noise and stand out in a crowded digital space.

Carey James has a background in applied psychology and neuroscience, with over a decade of experience leading sales and marketing campaigns that have generated tens of millions in revenue.

He's helped build brands for NY Times best-sellers, top YouTube influencers, and renowned scientific authorities.

Carey understands people, and knows how to create personal brands that connect and deliver tangible results.


Who is Brand Alchemy suitable for?

Our typical clients are people who are established in their career yet want more reach and opportunities, but don’t have the time to get bogged down by building, managing, and growing their personal brands. 

What is included in Brand Alchemy's services?

The Brand Alchemy Roadmap™ path to a world-class personal brand goes through four distinct phases:

- Phase 1: Clarity

- Personal Brand Audit & Web Presence Snapshot

- Deep Clarity Coaching & Discovery

- Brand DNA Matrix™ Framework

- Phase 2: Strategy

- In-depth Audience Insight Report

- Strategic Content Pillar Development

- Conversion Story Narrative

- Visual Identity Asset Design

- Phase 3: Execution

- Sales-Optimized Authority Website

- SEO & Google Footprint Enhancement

- Complete Social Media Overhaul

- Phase 4: Scale

- Ongoing Brand Acceleration

- Media, PR, Podcast, Speaking Appearances

- Automated Content Creation & Distribution

- Strategic Brand Monetization

- Bi-weekly 1:1 Sales & Marketing Consultations

This ensures that you know who you are and how you want to be seen, you have an established vehicle, and a content strategies to bring your brand to the moon.

How does pricing work?

We have a tiered pricing structure that covers DFY, DWY, and high-end premium solutions. Book a call and we can discuss what makes sense for your situation.

What makes Brand Alchemy different from other branding agencies?

Most of the agencies out there are more focused on the creative, artsy aspects of a personal brand. We deliver great, world class optics, but our primary aim is building brands that are monetizable and make our clients magnets for opportunity. 

We offer a high-touch, personalized approach, providing a done-for-you, comprehensive service all under one roof.

We cut out the need to hire multiple professionals, so you won't need to spend months seeking out a psychologist, coach, photographer, graphic designer, copywriter, and brand strategist, which could cost you $20k-$30k.

How long does the personal branding process take?

Time is our clients most valuable asset. Our typical turnaround time for a brand buildout is between two to six weeks, depending on the level of service.

How do you ensure a high-quality visual and written identity for my brand?

Our team of writers and designers are hand selected through a diligent vetting process. They’ve written and designed brands for NYT’s best sellers, Fortune 100 executives, and unicorn startup founders from Silicon Valley.

What if I'm not happy with the outcome?

We keep you in the loop every step of the way, ensuring that your feedback and opinions are central to the process. But if for some reason you aren’t satisfied with the outcomes, we offer a money back results-guarantee. 

What support does Brand Alchemy offer after the initial branding process?

We have a mix of additional services, support, consulting, and maintenance work that we offer depending on each client's individual needs. 

Can Brand Alchemy help with ongoing content creation, PR, and engagement?

A brand without a content strategy is dead in the water.

We work with a specialized team of publicists, PR agents, and social media gurus to get you placed on the top stages and in the best publications along with a consistent, highly-engaged stream of content being produced with minimal work required from you.

How fast can I get started with Brand Alchemy?

Once we’ve got you onboarded and in the door, we can kickoff the process within one week. 

How do I get started with Brand Alchemy?

Book a free strategy call with our team and we'll do a deep dive audit of your brand, live on the call, highlighting red flags, quick wins, and biggest leverage points for growth.

Ready to Elevate Your Brand?

Book Your Brand Strategy Session to Receive a FREE Personal Brand Audit & Discover 80/20 Strategies to Amplify Your Brand 👇

© 2024 Alchemy Ventures, LLC. All rights reserved.